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Elimination Round
WEEKEND ONE (March 6 & 7, 2004)
Cherry Bombs VS Ginger's Nuts
Ginger's Nuts VS Argentum's Asskicking Allstars
Argentum's Asskicking Allstars VS Mass Destruction
Mass Destruction VS The mistykissOFF
The mistykissOFF VS X Purts
X Purts VS B`Rayne``Storms
B`Rayne``Storms VS Curse of the rummy
Curse of the rummy VS The Almost All Female Revue
The Almost All Female Revue VS Da Phurry Lil Kreechers
WEEKEND TWO (March 13 & 14, 2004)
Cherry Bombs VS Da Phurry Lil Kreechers
Cherry Bombs VS Argentum's Asskicking Allstars
Ginger's Nuts VS Mass Destruction
Argentum's Asskicking Allstars VS The mistykissOFF
Mass Destruction VS X Purts
The mistykissOFF VS B`Rayne``Storms
X Purts VS Curse of the rummy
B`Rayne``Storms VS The Almost All Female Revue
Curse of the rummy VS Da Phurry Lil Kreechers
WEEKEND THREE (March 20 & 21, 2004)
Cherry Bombs VS Mass Destruction
Ginger's Nuts VS The mistykiss---OFF
Argentum's Asskicking Allstars VS X Purts
Mass Destruction VS B`Rayne``Storms
The mistykissOFF VS Curse of the rummy
X Purts VS The Almost All Female Revue
B`Rayne``Storms VS Da Phurry Lil Kreechers
Cherry Bombs VS The Almost All Female Revue
Ginger's Nuts VS Da Phurry Lil Kreechers
WEEKEND FOUR (March 27 & 28, 2004)
Cherry Bombs VS The mistykissOFF
Ginger's Nuts VS X Purts
Argentum's Asskicking Allstars VS B`Rayne``Storms
Mass Destruction VS Curse of the rummy
The mistykissOFF VS The Almost All Female Revue
X Purts VS Da Phurry Lil Kreechers
Cherry Bombs VS Curse of the rummy
Ginger's Nuts VS The Almost All Female Revue
Argentum's Asskicking Allstars VS Da Phurry Lil Kreechers
WEEKEND FIVE (April 3 & 4, 2004)
Cherry Bombs VS X Purts
Ginger's Nuts VS B`Rayne``Storms
Argentum's Asskicking Allstars VS Curse of the rummy
Mass Destruction VS The Almost All Female Revue
The mistykissOFF VS Da Phurry Lil Kreechers
Cherry Bombs VS B`Rayne``Storms
Ginger's Nuts VS Curse of the rummy
Argentum's Asskicking Allstars VS The Almost All Female Revue
Mass Destruction VS Da Phurry Lil Kreechers
Semi-Finals & Final Round Schedules
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triviaaa Chat Stats

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Birthday Corner

Celebrants for this month are now posted.


Team Tournament

Statistics and information about triviaaa's 2nd TEAM tournament on this page!

Funny Pics

Check out triviaaa's Wonder Woman or willow turning into a ^wombat^ and shoelace's dildo & more...

shoelace's Corner

Check out shoelace's funny poems.  Free "Dickshunary" for the first 69 readers !!!

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