August 2005 Newsletter





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triviaaa Newsletter - August 2005 Edition


Well hello, and welcome all to triviaaa's first newsletter *S*

We have a lot to get through, so the best way to start is to begin by informing those of you who may not yet know, that we have a new triviaaa website, and a brand new forum. is the same addy to the new polished website. It’s all the usual stuff from the original triviaaa board, but is our new forum board, where you will be able to register your name accompanied by an avatar and siggy, which can be made by ms_hornier herself, or one of your own personal choosing. Just go to your profile to see how the set up of how this works. If you are still having trouble, send it this way

Currently we have 57 members registered, remembering that the one millionth person registered will receive a return airfare ticket for a $50,000 dollar shopping spree to London, Paris and Milan, staying at the finest hotels in each city ( breakfast not included ). So get registered, people and be in chance for a holiday of a lifetime ! You never know, ya just could be the one millionth customer *grins*

Speaking of memberships, some of you have yet to pay your membership fees for not only the new forum board, but for paying homage to the Oracle in triviaaa. Because of this, the annual triviaaa peeps get together in Dayton, Ohio scheduled for September the 16th has been cancelled, and the Christmas party ain't looking too good either! On another sad note, the three legged sack race for next Easter’s annual triviaaa eggathon has had to be postponed because the farmer’s paddock we WERE going to use, apparently has been booked for that entire month by the Naked Line Dancers Association of America... but I will get back to you all on this, if a new venue can be found in time.

Ok, back to our new forum board. Once you have registered, you can start posting threads and replies. Upon registering, you’ll be given a base of 500 tokens, and you will receive an additional 25 tokens for each thread you post, and 15 tokens for each reply to a thread posted. ( breathes ) The forum index is made up of the following subjects:

Mixed Nuts
If you wanna relax and read some jokes... this is the place.

Poetry & Quotes
For poet lovers... or if you wanna read some good quotes. We also have Word of the Day here.

Pics Gallery
A forum where you can post almost any kind of images from funny... to artistic just keep it clean *S* ( i.e. a picture of George Bush Spanking da hell out of Donald Rumsfield bent over his knee in hot pants inside the oval office *shakes my head * ... nope, big no no, .. bad nightmares ) *grins*

Home Hearth
A place to share favorite recipes, gardening or health & beauty tips. ( *yawns* ... thinks maybe a place called 'The Men’s Shed' to counter this ) *S* hehehe ...

Naughty 101
If you can't help it to keep it clean... then you can show some of your naughtiness in this forum ( Ok, if ya have the George Bush pic, send it here )

Word & Sequence Games
Lots of word and sequence games in this forum. You can add that they are free to make their own games just make sure it will have a good continuity.

Once you start threading and posting and earning those tokens, you can start to buy things in our exclusive SHOPS, which new items will constantly be added to them. We currently have 13 shops in which for you to spend away in:

Bakers Dozen          Bits & Bytes          Cake Sensations          Flags To Go

Food Palace          Gift Shoppe          La Boutique          Lovers Avenue

Pampurred Pets          Sinful Playthings          Sweet Expectations

The Bar          Color Lovers

Each shop is filled with this that and everything else, some things are cheap, some things quite expensive, which is why we also have a LOTTERY system in which you can earn lots of tokens for a ticket bought. Tickets cost 100 tokens, and only one ticket per person is allowed to give everyone an even chance of winning, for those of you who don’t have many tokens to spend. More tokens can be earned, also, from our BRAIN TICKLERS section on the Board. A question shall be asked daily or until it goes off.

Make sure you watch out for the "TREASURE HUNT" game that will be launched this month. You will be able to earn extra points. This was also to be held at next years Easter Eggathon, but, alas, .. Go figure *S* ..So a minor version will be held inside the forum ( look on the bright side, at least ya won’t get wet and we won’t get sued *S* )

Before I go, also know that you can click onto ACN's triviaaa room directly from the forum site. Just click the Join Chat Room at the top of the page, and a java applet will be loaded.

Onto Birthdays

In July we had three Birthday Celebrations prettygreeneyes, Nikinya & Issia|. Apparently a good night was had by all, with no expense spared for the champagne celebrations. Again, our apologies to those of you who never received your invite due to some mailing difficulties at the moment. *S*

Ok, peeps, that's basically it for our very first newsletter. A big thank you to ms_hornier for putting the time and effort into creating this new board which will and already has created lots of laughter, and for continually improving the original website for our enjoyment. Also, if anyone wishes to add input on anything relating to triviaaa, the website, or the forum, feel free to speak up and let us know what you think, or what else you may want to see in the future.

Remember, this is your site, without the masses, I’m talking to myself here ( but you always do ) (( shush you )) and to answer some questions already brought forward: Yes, that is MasterL in the glass jar, and NO you can not turn him upside down and shake him while he sleeps. If not for the fingerprints on the glass, I would not believe this is happening, but alas. And no, you do not need to try and outpost Greenhornet... it is humanly impossible, the man was born to do this, and he’s doing it for Canada. Go Greenhornet! Finally, no, it doesn’t matter the rumours you have heard about a certain triviaaa op inappropriately using membership fees to fund illicit partying habits ..they are completely false *S*

Ok, that's it folks ..see ya's around in triviaaa and I'll see ya's next month with another edition of triviaaa Newsletter, *S*

(Official triviaaa Newsletter writer)

*Competition ends on August the 4th at 1:00 pm. No refunds available. If millionth member is not achieved, the money may go into a holdings account *grins* for future events.


To view previous triviaaa newsletters, please CLICK HERE.

What's New?

Announcements & info on latest activities in the triviaaa room, the website and the forum!

triviaaa Chat Stats

Check out if you are this month's chatterbox. This page will show you some random quotes from the triviaaa room and chat statistics.

Birthday Corner

Celebrants for this month are now posted.



Check out your daily horoscope in our forum!


A weekly quiz for all of you triviaaa addicts!!!  Every Monday a new quiz will be upload here on the site.

Team Tournament

Statistics and information about triviaaa's 2nd TEAM tournament on this page!

Funny Pics

Check out triviaaa's Wonder Woman or willow turning into a ^wombat^ and shoelace's dildo & more...

shoelace's Corner

Check out shoelace's funny poems.  Free "Dickshunary" for the first 69 readers !!!

triviaaa's DIARY

Share your thoughts to anyone in triviaaa !!!

triviaaa GUESTBOOK

Sign our guestbook!



Site managed by ms_h