December 2005 Newsletter





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triviaaa Newsletter - December 2005 Edition

Hello and welcome to this month's edition of triviaaa news.

As always, first up, last month's minutes from the triviaaa meeting.

#1 Christmas Party

Ok, as you know, the party has been on and off for months now. First we were going to, then we weren't. Well wouldn't ya know it, just when we really did have our acts together and were going to throw you all a big ass party, you know, flying you all in from wherever you are, and all that shit, wtf happens... ACN closes down! That's right, sad to say it, but all of triviaaa's money was invested in ACN, so when it went under, well you get the picture. So no elaborate party to end all parties' drink till you can drink no more and make a complete ass of yourself Christmas party this year, folks. We are so sorry about this, but what can ya do, ya know ? Anyway, the next best thing will be a get together in #triviaaa_kiosk at some point in time this month. Again, we apologize, it will not happen again.

#2 Santa's Little Helper

Seeing that we are still having some sort of a party, and that costumes are prolly gonna be the thing, we need somebody to dress up in a little elf outfit and be Santa's little helper. Now I have never known such a little thing to cause such a fuss, but for some reason, no one wants to do it. I guess it could have something to do with the writing on the back of the pants: "Santa likes it here " ..all I know is a certain someone isn't doing it this year. So any takers, let ms_hornier know.

Ok onto the serious stuff:

Happenings in November:

As you know, ACN is dead ( and taken all our money with it ) so we have moved to a new site called AllChatNetwork. For detailed information on it, click here

It will show you how to get there by java or mIRC. Personally, it's a good place, been going there a couple years myself now. A good site giving you what you want. So if you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go.

In the forum site, a new addition has been added. News From Around The World, a news forum moderated by our newshound kiley. Hell we sent this woman to northern Afghanistan to ready her for this. We do something, we do it right ya know. She's stared the Taliban right between the eyes, has this one, and the wusses ran off, I might add, so the woman knows her job. check it out. Basically it is about news from your hometown and from around the world. Let us know what's happening in your little town or huge ass city and what makes it tick. It can be funny or somewhat serious. Basically a way to let everyone see what's going on in your little corner of the world.

*** Lottery ***

Ok never call us 'tight bastards' ...yes, yes we hear the rumors, ..but hey, these monthly meetings aren't cheap ya know. Hell the women drink tequila like it's going out of fashion, so it costs money, ya know. Anyway, just to let ya know we don't spend it all on us, we have increased the lottery winnings from 1000 base pool to 5000 points. So get ya tickets !!!

Because Thanksgiving has passed, it has been archived, and the "Find The Turkey" winners were Xen, Gypsy and kiley. The best pic for the Turkey Hunt game was won by Valkyrie. Other winners for the month were:

Jigsaw Zone: Jocelynn, Velvet, Xen, josie, Gypsy and Betula. josie got another jackpot again.

The triviaaa Enquirer winners are Betula and Auron.

Brain Ticklers Egghead winners are Stuzy & Velvet.

Treasure Hunt winner for this month is Betula.

Coming up in December:

We have some new forums:

<> Holiday Greetings
A place to send greetings to all your friends in triviaaa.

<> All I Want For Christmas
A Kris Kringle for all our triviaaa members

<> Deck The Halls
A place to share your favorite Christmas traditions, recipes, craft ideas and games.

<> Christmas Around The World
Christmas related discussion from all parts of the world.

<> Ho! Ho! Ho!
Funny jokes, pics and links about Christmas

*** Christmas Gift Basket Game ***

Once a week for the four weeks of December, we will be hiding a Christmas gift basket for all our members to find. Each basket consists of items from the shop and points too. Every week basket will get bigger!

*** triviaaa's Secret Santa ***

Is there someone you admire? Someone you are interested in? Someone you find intriguing and would like to give them a special gift secretly?

*** All I Want For Christmas ***

A Kris Kringle for all our triviaaa members.

And if you want a Christmas avatar, then check out the Avatar Goddesses' sites:

Velvet Designs

ms_h's Art Gallery

Ok, that's about it for this month. Don't forget to come and play some triviaaa at our new site, all are welcome, and on that: From all of us here Have a happy and wonderful Christmas, and whatever you wish for, I hope you get :)

Take care,

(Official triviaaa Newsletter writer)


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What's New?

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triviaaa Chat Stats

Check out if you are this month's chatterbox. This page will show you some random quotes from the triviaaa room and chat statistics.

Birthday Corner

Celebrants for this month are now posted.



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A weekly quiz for all of you triviaaa addicts!!!  Every Monday a new quiz will be upload here on the site.

Team Tournament

Statistics and information about triviaaa's 2nd TEAM tournament on this page!

Funny Pics

Check out triviaaa's Wonder Woman or willow turning into a ^wombat^ and shoelace's dildo & more...

shoelace's Corner

Check out shoelace's funny poems.  Free "Dickshunary" for the first 69 readers !!!

triviaaa's DIARY

Share your thoughts to anyone in triviaaa !!!

triviaaa GUESTBOOK

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