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QUIZ 15 - Answers


1. What is this? Where is it located?


2. Name the illustration. Where is it located? How many feet is this building?


3. Name this animal. With what is this animal popularly associated with? Where can you find them? For bonus points: Give the scientific name of this animal.

LUWAK or COMMON PALM CIVET, denizen of the coffee plantations of INDONESIA, eats only the ripest coffee cherries. Unable to digest the coffee beans the Luwak graciously excretes them on the jungle floor where they are eagerly collected by the locals. The stomach acids and enzymatic action involved in this unique fermentation process produces the beans for the world’s rarest coffee beverage - the KOPI LUWAK. Bonus: PARADOXURUS HERMAPHRODITUS (3/16)

For those who answered that this animal can be associated with the SARS virus, here is an explanation.  The MASKED PALM CIVETS (Paguma Larvata) were found to have the corona viruses. According to an article on the WHO web site, "much more research is needed before any firm conclusions can be reached. At present, no evidence exists to suggest that these wild animal species play a significant role in the epidemiology of SARS outbreaks. However, it cannot be ruled out that these animals might have been a source of human infection." Furthermore, there are other wild animal species like the Chinese ferret badger which are closely related to the SARS virus.  So for the answer, I will only consider the Kopi Luwak as its association and another possible one is as the source of a highly-valued musk, used as a stabilizing agent in perfumes.


4. Name this plant and give me another name for this plant.


5. Who painted this? Name the title of this painting.


6. Who is this historical character? He is always referred to as what?


7. What is this? Where did it originate? What do you call the popular method of cooking using the illustration above?


8. WORD Puzzler

Each of these puzzles consists of 3 words or names, followed by the number of letters in the word or name that is the answer to the puzzle. Each of the 3 words have some relationship to the answer word. Sometimes this relationship is fairly direct, while at times it is something obscure or extremely unusual. Example: Eve Doctor Juice (5 letters)
The answer is APPLE. Eve purportedly ate an apple in the Garden of Eden, there is a well known saying that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," & juice refers to apple juice.



9. Above, you will see six glasses. Three of these glasses contain orange. Moving only ONE glass, can you arrange the glasses such that those containing the orange are together?


10. MATH Puzzler

Michelle has six red stamps and three blue ones. In her collection, seven stamps are from Mexico and six stamps are from France. One stamp is purple and it is not from Mexico or France. Two of her Mexican stamps are red and one is blue. Two of her French stamps are blue and three are red. How many stamps does she have?

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