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QUIZ 9 - June 23, 2003


1. Name this character and rearrange the letters of his name to give a slang name for a spy.


2. What do you call this place?  Where is it located?


3.  Who is this?


4. Name this character and the movie where this character is from. Also, name the actress who portrayed that role.


5. A creeper plant is climbing up and around a cylindrical tree trunk in a helical manner. The tree trunk has a height of 630 inches and a circumference of 48 inches. If the creeper covers a vertical distance of 90 inches in one complete twist around the tree trunk, what is the total length of the creeper?


6. From what country is this flag?

7. Today is Friday and I have recently returned from a trip. If I returned four days before the day after the day before tomorrow, on what day did I return?


Each of the 3 words have some relationship to the answer word. Sometimes this relationship is fairly direct, while at times it is something obscure or extremely unusual. 

Example:    Eve    Doctor    Juice    (5 letters)

The answer is APPLE. Eve purportedly ate an apple in the Garden of Eden, there is a well known saying that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," & juice refers to apple juice.

Graphics    Coffee    Man    (4 letters)

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