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QUIZ 13 - July 21, 2003


1. Name all the actors who played as James Bond and give one movie title that they appeared in. For bonus points, give the name  of the first James Bond Girl.


2. Several members of this actor's family appeared in this film with him. Who were they and what were their roles? For BONUS points: In this film, the main character compared life with  what?


 3. Who is this evil dream stalker? Which actor portrayed this character? In what movie sequel did this evil dream stalker return to lure his son back to Springwood? Give the complete title and sub-title of that sequel.


4. Name the title of this movie,   the the main actor and actress  who starred in this movie and    the characters they played.


5. Name this character and the "complete" title of the movie  were this character appeared in.  Name the actress who played   this character.


6. What is the theme song of this movie? Who composed it? In the "first version" of this movie in 1948, who were the two artists  who portrayed the main characters?  For BONUS points:  Where was this  movie filmed?


7. This award winning film has won 5 Oscars, what were they? For BONUS points: Give the  name of the two main characters in this film and the movie artists who portrayed those characters.


8. Name this character and the "complete" title of the  movie that this character has appeared in.


 9. Who is this character? Give the "complete" title of the "first" movie that this character has appeared in.  This movie was based on a book, who is the author of that book?

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