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Welcome to Brain Ticklers!


A new quiz will be uploaded every MONDAY together with the solution to the previous one. Deadline to send your answers will be every SATURDAY (ms_h's time).  "Answers received after the deadline will be disqualified."

Please wait for an announcement as to when weekly quizzes will resume.  We also have a Brain Ticklers in our MESSAGE BOARD. Click the link below to try it! Thank you.


Set One

Quiz One     -     Answers to Quiz 1

Quiz Two     -     Answers to Quiz 2

Quiz Three     -     Answers to Quiz 3

Quiz Four     -     Answers to Quiz 4

Quiz Five     -     Answers to Quiz 5

Quiz Six     -     Answers to Quiz 6

Quiz Seven     -     Answers to Quiz 7

Quiz Eight     -     Answers to Quiz 8

Quiz Nine     -     Answers to Quiz 9

Quiz Ten     -     Answers to Quiz 10

Set Two

Quiz Eleven     -     Answers to Quiz 11

Quiz Twelve      -     Answers to Quiz 12

Quiz Thirteen     -     Answers to Quiz 13

Quiz Fourteen    -     Answers to Quiz 14

Quiz Fifteen     -     Answers to Quiz 15

Set Three

Quiz Sixteen     -     Answers to Quiz 16

Quiz Seventeen     -     Answers to Quiz 17

Quiz Eighteen     -     Answers to Quiz 18

Quiz Nineteen     -     Answers to Quiz 19

Quiz Twenty     -     Answers to Quiz 20

Click here for Brain Ticklers RANKING
What's New?

Announcements & info on latest activities in the triviaaa room, the website and the forum!

triviaaa Chat Stats

Check out if you are this month's chatterbox. This page will show you some random quotes from the triviaaa room and chat statistics.

Birthday Corner

Celebrants for this month are now posted.



Check out your daily horoscope in our forum!


A weekly quiz for all of you triviaaa addicts!!!  Every Monday a new quiz will be upload here on the site.

Team Tournament

Statistics and information about triviaaa's 2nd TEAM tournament on this page!

Funny Pics

Check out triviaaa's Wonder Woman or willow turning into a ^wombat^ and shoelace's dildo & more...

shoelace's Corner

Check out shoelace's funny poems.  Free "Dickshunary" for the first 69 readers !!!

triviaaa's DIARY

Share your thoughts to anyone in triviaaa !!!

triviaaa GUESTBOOK

Sign our guestbook!




Site managed by ms_h