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QUIZ 14 - July 28, 2003


1. What is this? Who designed it? Where is this located? What does it name mean?


2. What movie was this car featured in? Name the actor who starred in it?


3. Name this illustration. To which person is this attributed  to and where is this located?


4. Who is this? When and where was she born? What was her character in a popular TV show in the 80s?


5. Give the "complete" name of the person above and name one of his most popular works.


6. DINGBAT Question

"Simply say what you see".


7. MATH Puzzler  (HOTEL HOCUS)

Olid, MattMan & Rick-Stain went to a hotel and were told that there was only one room left and it would cost $30 for the night. They each paid $10 and went to the room. Later, Crazywild, the desk  clerk realized she had made an error by overcharging the men $5. She asked the bellhop to return the $5 to the men. This bellhop   was not as honest as CrazyWild and figured that since $5 was not easy to divide among 3 men, he would just return $3 to the men -   $1 to each man. Therefore, each man paid $9, which totals $27 for the room. Add that to the $2 the bellhop kept and the total is only $29. Where is the missing $1? Who has it?


8. WHAT AM I ?

I am a 12 letter word.
My 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 8 is a word that means the same as the word that is the name of a very well known search engine.
My 7, 5, 6, 4 is a famous philosopher.
My 10, 11, 3, 1, 8 is the snow leopard of Asia.
What am I?

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